デロイトトーマツ トーマツグループ

デロイト トーマツ サイバー合同会社(DTCY)
不正対策エンジニア(フルスタック エンジニア)/Anti-Fraud Engineer (Full Stack Engineer)
職務内容 ・クライアントに向けた技術的なコンサルティング、および、詐欺やその関連活動に関するフロントエンド/バックエンドのWebまたはモバイルプラットフォームの開発、を行います。

・This role will involve both external client consulting on engineering as well as development of frontend and backend web or mobile platforms for fraud and related activities.
・Create software components, units, and modules that meet product specifications and development schedules.
・Designing, coding, testing and implementing secure, AI-driven, realtime, scalable, client-facing, and reliable APIs and supporting backend applications.
・Collaborate with infrastructure engineers on required properties that affect software systems, such as storage capacity, processing speed, and input/output requirements.
・Collaborate closely with team leadership to meet business requirements and deadlines.
・Collaborate with fraud consultants to develop and quickly deliver client solutions as the fraud threat evolves.
・Use client-side frameworks to create visualization tools and dashboards to view key performance indicators, metrics, and other forms of data.
・Participate in all phases of the software development lifecycle to influence cross-functional teams and to identify high-impact, data-driven opportunities.
・Working closely with Quality personnel to establish high Service Level Agreement requirements.
・Responding to system alerts, on-call responsibility, and status communications.
・May help respond to system issues 24x7, contribute to infrastructure pipeline and deployment.
・Data Management such as ETL, storage and retrieval, search, indexing, analysis, visualization and pattern analysis.
・Program Management such as technical presentations, documentation, ticket creation and tracking, scheduling, budget, and reporting.
応募資格 [必須要件]


 ・B.S. in Computer Science or Engineering.
 ・Technical English Fluency.
 ・Course work in Algorithms and Complexity Theory
 ・3+ years of software engineering experience.
 ・Experience building backend software using languages such as REDIS, Rust, Golang, Java, Storm, Spark, or a strongly typed language.
 ・Experience with modern Software Development methodologies, such as Scrum/Kanban.
 ・Experience building solutions with cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, GCP, as well as having extensive knowledge of cloud infrastructure components and event driven architecture.
 ・Experience with micro-service architecture.
 ・Web Experience with front-end frameworks such as Vue.js, Next.js, React or similar.
 ・Mobile Experience on iOS and Android.
 ・Understand containers and containerization tooling (Docker, Kubernetes, etc).
 ・Understand relational vs non-relational databases, with hands-on experience.
 ・A strong commitment to building quality software that is readable, testable, and maintainable.
 ・Experience with Linux.

[Preferred Experience]
 ・M.S. in Computer Science or Engineering
・7 or more years of software engineering experience in the areas of fraud, finance, or fintech
 ・Japanese Business Fluency
 ・GPU, FPGA, Quantum Compute
待遇  【勤務時間】9:30-17:30(休憩1時間)
【各種制度】退職金制度、総合福祉団体定期保険、定期健康診断、自己啓発援助、企業年金基金、デロイト トーマツ確定拠出年金、定年退職制度有(60歳)、継続雇用制度有(65歳まで)、固定時間外手当・専門業務型裁量労働制の適用あり(職種・職位による)
勤務地  東京事務所 

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