デロイトトーマツ トーマツグループ

デロイト トーマツ サイバー合同会社(DTCY)
Anti-Fraud Consultant (Quality Assurance Platform Engineer / Quality Cross-Validation Engineer)
職務内容 There are two major functions of quality engineering which the candidate may select:

• Platform:
o The engineer will be expected to create, track, report and execute test cases, for the platform or client dependences to maximize high SLO’s such as 99.999%+.
o The engineer will be expected to achieve 90%-100% automated test coverage for the platform using various tools. Adding functions such as alerts.

• Scientific:
o The engineer will be expected to confirm data science measurements and prove the numbers visually with error measurements (e.g. Statistical P-Value, False Positive Rate, Precision/Recall, etc.).
o The engineer will be expected to achieve 90%-100% automated test coverage for any automated analytics dashboards, reports and alerts.

• General:
o Work heavily with quantitative Quality KPI’s which may differ by client or organization. This includes, but is not limited to the Service Level Agreement (SLA), test coverage, etc.
o Evaluate 3rd party systems, consult in the area of quality with external clients, and/or apply their quality skills in the platform or scientific area of their choose.
o The actual quality engineering work may be either manual or automated test.
o Supporting engineering, security, ops on 24x7 call.
o Program Management such as technical presentations, documentation, ticket creation and tracking, scheduling, budget, and reporting.
o Senior and Management positions are also considered based on experience.
応募資格 Experience:
• B.S. and M.S degree CS.
• English fluency required.
• Prior experience in Fraud, Payments, Fintech, Finance, Biotech, Bioinformatics, Internet, Health or Medical fields.
• 7+ years QA experience in Japanese companies.
• Quantitative, metrics, and KPI driven, expert presentation skills, expert prioritization.
• Experience in either Platform Experience or Scientific Experience below.

Platform Experience:
• Experience attaining a Service Level Objective up-time >= 99.999%
• Golang, Java, Python, Javascript, Typescript, Kotlin
• Cypress, Pytest, Postman, Loadrunner, Selenium, Testcafe, Jetfire, Jenkins
• Public Cloud, On-premise and Hybrid environments.
• Georeplication, microservices, mesh, edge, serverless, deployment.

Scientific Experience:
• D3.JS, Golang, Java, Python
• Pytest, R, Tableau, Excel
• Applied Statistics, Optimization and Error Measurements such as Statistical Moments, Kurtosis, Kernel Regression, and other statistical equations and distributions used for confirming numerical measurements.
• Measures of Fit, P-VALUE, Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
• K-Fold, Confirmation Bias, Pearson Correlations
• Data Access, Data Preparation, Data Storage, ETL
• Custom Scientific Visualization
• Public Cloud
待遇  【勤務時間】9:30-17:30(休憩1時間)
【各種制度】退職金制度、総合福祉団体定期保険、定期健康診断、自己啓発援助、企業年金基金、デロイト トーマツ確定拠出年金、定年退職制度有(60歳)、継続雇用制度有(65歳まで)、固定時間外手当・専門業務型裁量労働制の適用あり(職種・職位による)
勤務地  東京事務所 

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